Thursday, May 24, 2012

Nineteen.... and counting...and a tutorial

Today’s tutorial is for the easiest throw pillow covers in the world brought to you by the BEST mother-in-law anyone could hope to have.  I love her dearly.
I purchased curtains at Lowe’s on clearance and then bought 4 more curtains than I needed because maybe I’d someday make a valance for the kitchen and cafe curtains for the dining room, and of course I’d want them all to match.  (not sure what I was thinking there... I hate things TOO matchy matchy)
A few weeks ago we offered up our home to have a surprise party for a friend.  In doing that, and with other friends in charge of decorating, food and invites, I decided that every house project we had ever put on our list needed to be done.  So I sat down and carefully planned out the next two weeks.  
I’m a terrible time manager... BUT I know it.  So with buffer time added, and a few moments of “let’s get real and save colorwashing the hall until right before the cousins come instead”,  I checked many things off my plate including the valances, and  instead of cafe curtains, because again- too matchy matchy, I opted for throw pillows.  

These are so easy my 10 year old can make them...
Although she does have some experience on a sewing machine.  

*Before starting the pillows, I measured the curtains from the tops of the tabs down, and trimmed them at 20”.  I folded, and pressed the raw edges in about an inch to make the hem, then pinned and sewed.  Yay valences!  Not proper, but definitely quick & easy.

The rest of the curtain is what I used for pillow fabric. 
I trimmed off the already finished edges, and started in....

{These covers are for pillows forms that are 16” square.}
Cut:   1-17” square, and 2 rectangles - 17 X 12 1/2”  for each pillow
Next pin and sew a 3/8” edge along one 17” side of each rectangle.  Your three pieces will look sort of like this {pretend this looks like one square on the left, and two rectangles each with a finished edge on the right}:

Next layer the pieces, right sides together, with the raw edges touching.  The finished edge of the rectangles should be in the middle overlapping each other.  {Pretend these aren't blurry iphone pics}

Pin around the raw edges and sew (I did a 3/8” edge) all around the outside of the square

Trim threads and snip the four corners making sure to not snip any of your stitches.

Turn right side out, push out the corners, and insert pillow. Voila!  This is what the back looks like:

And here it is on my couch next to a very cool repurposed find...

Today is nineteen...